Publications are arranged chronologically with the most recent listed first.
Creative Imaginings, Reflective Process and Facilitators Guide
by Donna Fyffe, September, 2016
by Donna Fyffe is a reflective process for small groups on the characteristics of emerging congregations and needed skills for 21st century women religious.
In looking at what is emerging for women religious, it begs us to explore new insights so our behaviors begin to move us forward into the unfolding future. This process is designed to explore the "What if" question of creative imagining and may also be helpful in working with groups to process the "What If?" article published in February 2017 by Mark Clarke.
Maximizing the Gift of the Eco-System
by Mark Clarke, April 2016
An indispensable question facing women religious today is, ‘in what ways do you desire to interface in a world that is radically redefining relationships and connectivity?’ This paradigm shift calls for a communal transformation in how religious congregations choose to relate in this expanding network environment. If women religious embrace this call, they must identify their resources and enter into a whole new way of being in relationship.
A Meditation on Letting Go and Letting Come
by Deborah Asberry, May 2016
There is often a gap between the ‘letting go’ and ‘letting come’ times in our lives. Living in this in-between space involves uncertainty and ambiguity and requires not only courage but compassion and community. We must find others who are willing to be afraid with us, others who are willing to live with uncertainty and avoid the tendency to find quick fixes, others who admit how hard it is but are committed to staying awake and attentive to all that is trying to emerge.
Discerning a Future Based on a Smaller Community
by Mark Clarke, February 2016
We live in a time and era of unparalleled change both in society and in religious life. This means that leaders of religious Congregations face a unique call to create a shared direction amidst the back drop, internally, of an aging community and fewer new members, and externally, of an interconnected, and a diverse technological and global age.
Spiritual Leadership in a Pioneer Community:
by Mark Clarke, September 2015
One of the fundamental roles of religious leaders is to help their members embrace their religious life journey in faith and trust, and with a profound belief in a good and provident God. The call to being a spiritual leader in these turbulent times is not for the faint of heart.
Mapping Theory U to Congregational Chapters
by Deborah Asberry, March 2015
The fundamental question for chapter planning committees becomes how to design pro-cesses that honor their constitutional requirements for the work that chapters are required to do while simultaneously ensuring that the experience is Spirit filled and Spirit led—the how they are to be together. These processes must span the preparation period prior to chapter as well as the processes of chapter itself.
Envisioning the Future of Religious Life as a Pioneer Community
by Mark Clarke, August 2014
Religious life, like the world, is at a crossroads. TFor institutions and the world we live it is a historical moment in which we are redefining what it means to be in relationship with each other on a local, regional and global level. We are being opened to the entire world on a daily basis. Each day the news and life questions are intertwined between local and global connections. This shapes how approach envisioning the future for this evolving time.
An Interview with Donna Fyffe, Unearthing the Potential of Uncertain Times
LCWR Occasional Papers — Summer 2009
What if the work of women religious is to create deeper insight; reframe what is; see reality differently; generate greater
consciousness; go to people’s blind spots and uncover values, beliefs, the Christ within?